women climber

Learn how to train your mind

We provide coaching, online courses, workshops, free resources and an online community to those looking to train their mind for climbing.
climber on the rock

Learn how to train your mind

Online courses, coaching and community in fear management, performance psychology, flow state and fear of falling.

Our vision is to empower you with the tools and practices to get the most out of your sport.

There's no shortage of resources for physical training in the climbing world, yet most of us know that this is only part of the story when it comes to climbing at your best – so often, it’s our minds that limit us. It could be fear of falling, finding flow, motivation, fear of failure or performance anxiety; we have online courses, coaching and in-person training for fear management and performance psychology in climbing.

Learn how to manage your fears, adopt an optimal mindset for performance and enjoy climbing more than ever.

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8,000 subscribers
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Strong Mind team

Strong Mind Course

Join our 8-week Strong Mind Program starting in February

The Strong Mind course is our flagship course in fear management. It includes everything you need to know about how to manage fear in lead, top-rope, bouldering and trad climbing. It covers fear of falling, heights and exposure, social fears, fear of failure and performance anxiety. The course also covers the fundamentals of mental training, including mindset, self-awareness, as well as tools to use in the moment to manage fear and distraction. We have recently improved the course and will be taking a new cohort of students through it over 10 weeks starting in February. Join the waitlist to learn more.

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Flight School Course

What would it be like to climb without fear of falling holding you back?

Fear of falling is so prevalent in the climbing community that many just accept it as how things ought to be. Or they become masters at avoiding falling, by climbing in an avoidant way that stifles their progress and re-enforces their fear.

Flight School is our course focused specifically on fear of falling, injury, heights and exposure. It includes everything you need to know about how to manage fear of falling and establish an efficient (and, dare we to say, fun!) fall practice in lead, top-rope, bouldering and trad climbing. It covers the science of fear and stress, where people commonly go wrong with fall practice, teaches you effective fall practice and empowers you start and maintain the process of getting comfortable with falling. The course also covers the fundamentals of mental training, including mindset, self-awareness, as well as tools to use in the moment to manage fear and distraction.

We are opening Flight School again in January 2025. If you'd like to work with us sooner, we will open doors to the Strong Mind course (our most comprehensive course on fear management, including fear of falling) in June 2024!

Join the Waitlist to find out more and get first access! 

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Performance Hacks

This course is for you if:

You'd like your mind to be a gateway to performance instead of a barrier

You’d like to improve at climbing as effectively as possible

You'd like to be able to tap into high performance states when it matters most

What you learn in climbing is important in other areas of your life

You enjoy feeling really focused and in flow when you climb and you'd like to experience more of that

You want to be able to tap into states of high effort (try-hard) on demand

You’d like to get more out of climbing and enjoy climbing more

You’d like a stronger sense of mastery around climbing

You’d like more direction in your climbing

You love it when you finish a climb and feel on top of the world instead of just relieved

You'd like to enjoy the process of hard climbs more and not just the sends

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One-to-one Coaching

Some people benefit from one-to-one support in order to work on deeper and more individual issues. One-to-one conversational coaching is helpful for people who feel stuck in rigid and unhelpful patterns, have a difficult relationship with climbing or notice that the mind is their biggest limitation. One-to-one coaching might also be necessary to discover what is holding you back in your climbing or preventing you from enjoying climbing as much as you could. One-to-one coaching is also important for professional and elite athletes to help them optimise their performance.

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Workshops are a great way to learn some of the more practical skills necessary to build a strong mind for climbing, such as fall practice and learning to trust trad gear. Workshops are a great opportunity to work with the coaches and instructors at Strong Mind in person and meet like-minded climbers. Angus and Hazel run several workshops throughout the year, keep a look out on social media or join our newsletter to stay in the loop.

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Read some reviews
from our awesome students.

See what our past and present students think of us

I know I'll be returning to the content and still finding some new gems in it going forward. I've already seen how engaging different mind tools, habits, and deliberate fall practice has made the parts of climbing that were feeling intimidating or fear-producing fun again

Strong Mind Student, June 2022
Quote Mark

Thanks for such an amazing and life-changing course Hazel and Angus. My approach to climbing feels so different now that I am focusing on the journey of climbing with my growth mindset and learning more about myself every day. I appreciated that you have given us a wide variety of tools and methods to become more self-aware climbers that continue to learn how to get the challenge right in all aspects of the sport. A big thumbs up to your idea of growing community around the course and mental training by adding students once they have completed the course. Thanks for all your work making this a great experience.

Steven Lee, Mailchimp Inc
San Francisco
Quote Mark

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A team of experienced mentors, coaches and climbers working together to help you take control of your mind and reach your potential.

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